Monday, February 15, 2016

January 2016

South Carolina Treasure and Artifact Association – January Minutes  
January 25, 2016

The SCTAA met on January 25th with 25 in attendance.  Visitors included Elliot Rice and Darrell Johnson.  Bobby Johnson is a paid new member for 2016.
Upcoming Events. The Blacksburg hunt is scheduled for April 23rd and 24th.  Fees range from $60 to $165, but club members had the opportunity to pay early fees until February 1st.   Randy Gatchel puts on an excellent event, and we encourage all to participate.  Handouts are available at the meeting.
Minutes:  Kenny Brackett awarded the prizes that were not given out at the January banquet.  Robert Weaver got Treasure Hunter of the Year, and Bill Guthke got Third place Treasure Finder of the year.
Randy Reece gave a review on the background of the White’s Coinmaster that was brought in.
On a separate note Randy must give up his position as treasurer due to health issues.  We are currently looking for someone to replace him.  Anyone who wishes to volunteer should contact Kenny Brackett.

(In the event of tie, the name listed is the coin prize winner, but everyone else gets the points who placed in the tie.)
COIN – 1st– Chad Gouine: 2nd- CarterMahaffee; 3rd- Colin Fowler
JEWELRY - 1st - Chad Gouine: 2nd – Barry Fletcher; 3rd – Colin Fowler
WHAT IS IT? - 1st– Colin Fowler: 2nd - Maggie Moffat; 3rd- Chad Gouine
MILITARY - 1st– Jimmy Curtis: 2nd - ChadGouine; 3rd - Maggie Moffat
OTHER  - 1st -  Dave Mapstone: 2nd - ChadGouine; 3rd - Eben Fletcher
# OF COINS – 1st– Chad  Gouine(814) : 2nd– Maggie Moffat (562); 3rd - Colin Fowler (519)
Financial.  Income during the January meeting….Raffle - $83; Donation - $10; Dues - $25;  Total - $218.
Remember….This is a leap year, and February has five Mondays….our monthly meeting is on the fourth Monday, which is February 22nd.

Vince DICarlo, SCTAA Secretary.

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