Thursday, July 21, 2016

May 2016

South Carolina Treasure and Artifact Association – May Minutes May 23, 2016

The SCTAA met on April 23rdwith 22 in attendance.  We had no visitors. 

Upcoming Events.
Teknetics Cannonball Express 7/29/16, Ridgeville TN
Southern Indiana Treasure 7/24-30/16Vallonia, IN
Buckeye Championship 8/20-21/2016, Concord, OH

Minutes:  Kenny led a discussion about changes to the annual Lake Lure Hunt.  While there were several options, the club settled on raising the fee to $40.00 and increasing the value and number of prizes.  The club will continue to match the hunt fees. The hunt is scheduled for the second Saturday in October, which is October 8th.  We will start collecting money at the June meeting.  With the prices of silver and gold rising, it is best to get your fees in early so we can buy more stuff.
Randy Reece has announced his retirement as Treasurer at the end of August.  We have a tentative replacement, but we are always looking for volunteers to help out as backups….particularly the secretary. 
The June Myrtle Beach trip is still on track.  Check in with Randy Reece, if you plan to make the trip.  I always go down with a carload of hopes and come back with a pocket full of bottle caps, but it is always fun.

Miscellaneous:  Maggie Moffatt donated a 1942 Liberty half to the club.  Robert Weaver recovered a silver charm for a Gable Middle School student.

(In the event of tie, the name listed is the coin prize winner, but everyone else gets the points who placed in the tie.)
COIN – 1st–Chad Gouine: 2nd- Bobby Holliday; 3rd- Carter Mahaffee
JEWELRY - 1st - Chad Gouine; 2nd – Doug Gillett; 3rd – Bobby Holliday
WHAT IS IT? - 1st– Carter Mahaffee: 2nd - Bobby Holliday; 3rd- Colin Fowler
MILITARY - 1st– Chris Phillips: 2nd-  CarterMahaffee; 3rd - Bobby Holliday
OTHER  - 1st -  Bobby Holliday: 2nd -  Vince DiCarlo; 3rd - Dave Mapstone
# OF COINS – 1st– Chad Gouine (665) : 2nd– Bobby Holliday (644); 3rd - Maggie Moffatt (318)
Financial:  We collected $59.00 in donations at the May meeting.
Vince DICarlo, SCTAA Secretary.

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